K8s & Cilium Study Guide

A short study guide to help others structure their K8s & Cilium learnings

Posted by Chris Noon on Sat, Jul 1, 2023

Kubernetes or K8s is not a new topic in the world of technology, but I feel it’s one that is discussed regularly without a deep level of understanding. As ever, I’m curious to learn how it works, where it can, and more importantly, should be applied, and the architectural decisions that go along with it.

For those reasons, I decided to start learning K8s, and more specifically K8s Networking because of my background as a Network Architect. Networking has always been fascinating to me and K8s Networking is another area of Networking I have a deep desire to understand.

I hope this study plan helps guide others on the same journey. I’ll update the plan if anything changes along the way.

Let’s get started.


Start by getting a solid K8s foundation with the CKA, then run through multiple K8s Networking materials before finally working through Cilium labs.


Start by building a solid K8s foundation. I recommend going through the Linux Foundation or a Cloud Guru course material.

From this, it will help if you have a K8s playground. There are a number of ways you could practice using K8s, either on

  • The a Cloud Guru sandbox environment
  • A home lab
  • A K8s Cloud services like EKS
  • Killer SH.

I personally created a small cluster of VMs on my laptop, but you get the point.

Why not test your knowledge by booking and sitting the CKA exam. You get a free second retake so don’t feel discouraged should you fall short on the first attempt.

Kubernetes Networking Basics

Now you have a baseline understanding of K8s, let’s focus on the fun part, Networking. I’m going to start by watching videos on K8s as a service in both AWS and GCP. I feel understanding at a high-level understanding of how 2 Clouds operate will provide enough understanding on the similarities, differences, and inner workings of Cloud K8s.

Advanced Networking with K8 on AWS

GCP K8 Engine Deep Dive

Obviously, if you are able to test these resources in the aCloudGuru sandbox or on your own account you’ll have the added experience before moving onto the next step.

Cilium Specific

Finally, the bit I’m most excited Cilium learning. There is a relatively new course as of writing (July 2023) on the Linux Foundation. This has been recommended by a few friends and colleagues.

I’ll then move on to acquiring the Cilium badges directly from Isovalent. This is a catalog of labs and self-paced learning material that allows you to understand Cilium at a core level.

After studying extras

If like me after reviewing all of the above you become a bit of a fanboy and want to keep up to date with Cilium and Isolvant advancements. I’d recommend you follow or connect with the below accounts.